3 Regions, 3 Projects, 3 Products

It all began in 2019 when Sara Schälchli founded the Engoitoi Epuan women's empowerment project together with the local population of Naiborgosso. The long-standing relationships with local families, the high level of commitment of all those involved and the positive response from interested people in Switzerland left us motivated and open to the future.

Frauengruppe in Naiborgosso

In autumn 2019, the local leather tannery in Kitumbeine aroused our interest. Animal skins are tanned by hand on a natural basis and are then processed into different accessories. The enriching exchange with the group of craftsmen/craftswomen led to our 2nd project in autumn 2020 - a cooperation.

Based on various discussions with the local population in Arusha as well as with staff of the local NGO 'Pastoral Women's Council' (PWC - www.pastoralwomenscouncil.org) in spring 2021, we recognised the potential of a tailoring school for socially disadvantaged young women. This idea gave rise to our 3rd project in the 3rd region with the 3rd category of products!

Schneiderinnengruppe in Arusha